Hey I'm Marathonturtle and I'm new here, recently recruited by chilidog.
Name: Rya- wait, nope that would make 4 ryans, joking, it's Justin (mixing things up there)
Age: 13, yeah I know I'm young, but I'm not one of those annoying, squeaky, swearing kids. My voice is pretty deep for my age, compared to everyone else I know.
Location: California, where in california you may ask? that's a secret.
Favorite Game: Thats a hard one, probably Half Life 2, I love it so much, replaying it once again
Favorite Food:Hamburger, easily.
Sports:I like to longboard, very fun.
Favorite Video off the pc: Hmm..probably, even though now it's lost its touch, Halo 3, probably the reason I bought a xbox 360, played it for a long time.
What games am I looking foward too? Probably Borderlands, I want that game so much, 4 players, rpg, vehicles, Millions of guns? A dream come true, Getting it for PC, if anybody else is getting it, we should play it together.